Manila Street Astronomers is a non-profit astronomy outreach group who advocates astronomy education, collaboration, and communication for all. MSA's events are mainly free telescope
viewings conducted in malls, schools, and street corners. These free
telescope viewings are done regularly at most six times a month on
two consecutive Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays timed during the
First Quarter and Full Moon phases. All six monthly events are
conducted in six different locations. The operative word in these
events is FREE. MSA may require free meals, drinks, transportation
and gas from its sponsor locations, but it will never charge for
these events. It will be funded mainly via commercial sponsorship,
volunteer donations, or fund-raising through merchandising.
The group is inspired by the father of sidewalk astronomy, John Lowry Dobson (1915-2014). He revolutionized backyard astronomy by setting up telescopes on sidewalks and letting passerby get an opportunity to look through a telescope. The MSA shares Dobson's sentiment that "The true value of a telescope is how many people have viewed the heavens through it".
MSA was founded in January 2013 by four astronomy friends bound together by their common conviction that the highest and purest form of amateur astronomy is public outreach -- first and foremost. These are Gary Andreassen, Norman Marigza, Christopher Louie Lu, and Eteny Urbano.
Mission & Vision
The group is inspired by the father of sidewalk astronomy, John Lowry Dobson (1915-2014). He revolutionized backyard astronomy by setting up telescopes on sidewalks and letting passerby get an opportunity to look through a telescope. The MSA shares Dobson's sentiment that "The true value of a telescope is how many people have viewed the heavens through it".
MSA was founded in January 2013 by four astronomy friends bound together by their common conviction that the highest and purest form of amateur astronomy is public outreach -- first and foremost. These are Gary Andreassen, Norman Marigza, Christopher Louie Lu, and Eteny Urbano.
Mission & Vision
The mission of Manila Street Astronomers is public astronomy outreach through free telescope viewings in schools (private and public), malls, street corners, and dark sites. That is the core mission
behind the founding of the Manila Street Astronomers (MSA), a group
of purely volunteer amateur and professional astronomers.
Our vision is to become a nationwide astronomy group dedicated first and foremost to free public astronomy outreach. MSA seeks to fill the marginally fulfilled niche of public
astronomy outreach. The Philippine amateur astronomy scene is
characterized by two distinct focal areas -- academic astronomy on
the one hand and practical astronomy/astrophotography on the other.
The aim of MSA is to provide the stabilizing third leg in cooperation
with the other two.
MSA Core Group
The MSA Core Group consists of the MSA's organizers and founders who are tasked with the planning, and coordination of MSA events. They are not officers, but a team of dedicated individuals who see to it that the advocacy is met.
MSA Core Group
The MSA Core Group consists of the MSA's organizers and founders who are tasked with the planning, and coordination of MSA events. They are not officers, but a team of dedicated individuals who see to it that the advocacy is met.

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