We Don't Know, and that's alright

Almost everyone who has done astronomy outreach or public events have encountered the question “are aliens real?” Now before we go any further, we will make it clear that there is only one acceptable answer and it is neither yes or no – the only acceptable answer is WE DON'T KNOW.

Why is YES an unacceptable answer?
Firstly, let me point out that one key scientific attitude is skepticism. It is a trait that allows us to doubt, test, and be critical of things to determine the truth. Being a skeptic allows you to look at the facts as it is without being biased by our own presumptions.

Skepticism is key in answering the question of why aliens are real because before we can say yes we need proof that can withstand scrutiny and testing. Just as judicial courts are presented with evidences and counter-evidences, a scientist must always look at the data critically. And proof has always been the greatest loop hole of claims to extra-terrestrial existence. In an age of photoshop, computer graphics, and special effects there are things that can seem completely real. In fact, most multimedia technologies aim for that exactly – making the viewing experience as real as it gets.

Not everything is digital. There are also claims to physical evidences as well. However these cannot be backed up conclusively as their history/origin cannot be traced as they are lost to time. Often these mysterious origins allow others to speculate and jump the gun to alien origins. Just like when people talk about UFOs they automatically jump the gun that they are extra-terrestrial in origin. First of all the U stands for UNIDENTIFIED. So unless you've identified what it is you can't say it's an alien.

Most arguments regarding alien evidences cannot be supported and make use of invalid logical arguments or logical fallacies. It is by arming ourselves with a skeptic attitude that we can avoid making rash conclusions and see the data as it is.

Why is NO an unacceptable answer?
If we look at life on Earth alone you'll be amazed by the diversity of species and the resilience of life. In fact, life here on Earth wasn't like what we know of now – the dinosaurs are a testament to that. Life has evolved over the years into this great diversity and variety of conditions. With the laws of physics, chemistry, and biology governing how life has flourished on Earth, we also know that these same laws apply elsewhere. Certain conditions throughout the Universe may not be consistent with ours such as gravity, temperature, chemical abundance, etc. but given the right set of conditions the possibility of life out there cannot be removed.

One concern we also have to address with regards to knowing if life is out there is the vastness of space. Gary Andreassen's signature lecture for MSA gives us an idea of just how vast our solar system alone is, what more for our galaxy and the rest of the Universe? The fastest speed that information can travel is the speed of light and so far our current technological capability cannot even send a signal to half of our own galaxy, let alone send space probes out. Not being able to see the complete picture will prevent us from giving an absolute no for the question of extra-terrestrial life. One analogy used for this is that of a fish in a lake. Because the fish is limited to its own lake it has no way of knowing if fish species other than those present exists outside the lake. Therefore, we as a species cannot with absolute certainty assume that we are alone in the Universe just because we have no conclusive proof of their existence.

This coming August, MSA partners for the second time with History Asia to promote the History Con 2018. This year's History Con Manila will bring back their hit series Ancient Aliens. If you are fascinated by the notion of aliens come on down and listen, but remember to practice the scientist in you by always keeping the attitude of skepticism. Don't deal with absolutes. Remember Yes/No are not acceptable answers yet. Make a habit of fact checking (and source checking for that matter). And always remember...

It is with absolute certainty, that we certainly do not know if aliens are real. And that my friends, is an opportunity to learn more.
